
Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

How to Customize “Organize” and “Layout” Menus in Command Bar in Windows Vista and 7 Explorer

Recently we posted a detailed tutorial about customizing Command Bar in Windows Vista and 7 Explorer: How to Customize Windows Explorer Command Bar in Windows Vista and 7
Using the same method, in this tutorial we'll tell you how to customize "Organize" and "Layout" menus present in the Command Bar:
1. Type regedit in RUN or Start menu search box and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now go to following key:
3. Now look for following 2 sub-keys:
4. "Windows.layout" key stores command set which is shown in "Layout" menu and "Windows.organize" key contains command set which is shown in "Organize" menu.
You just need to edit "SubCommands" String value present in right-side pane and delete the desired menu item which you don't want to show in the menu.
You can also add a new command by using semi-colon (;).
NOTE: If you get an error message that you don't have permission to write to registry, it means you'll need to take permission on the key. You can use following simple steps to take permission:
  • Right-click on the registry key and select "Permissions...".
  • It'll open a dialog box, Click on "Advanced" button.
  • It'll open another dialog box, Go to "Owner" tab.
  • Select your Username from the list and click on "Apply" button and then OK.
  • Again click on OK button in the first dialog box.
  • Now again right-click on the same key and select "Permissions...".
  • Select your Username in the list and check the "Allow" option for "Full Control".
  • Click on Apply button and then OK.
Now you'll be able to change the value of "SubCommands" string.
EXAMPLE: you can add all menu items which are shown in "Layout" menu directly into "Organize" menu. To do this, simply change value of "SubCommands" String for "Windows.organize" key as following:
Windows.cut; Windows.copy; Windows.paste; Windows.undo; Windows.redo; |; Windows.selectall; |; Windows.menubar; |; Windows.previewpane; Windows.readingpane; Windows.navpane; Windows.librarypane; Windows.folderoptions; |; Windows.delete; Windows.rename; Windows.removeproperties;; |; Windows.closewindow
It'll remove "Layout" menu completely and insert all its sub-menus directly into "Organize" menu and it'll look as following:
So you can play with the value and give the menus your desired look. ;)

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