"WinShake" is a very small program which can bring Windows 7's "Aero Shake", "Aero Peek" and "Show Desktop" features to Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista. Its size is 600KB and it doesn't take much resources. The new version 2.02 finally adds true Windows 7 Aero Taskbar Peek, making it possible to Peek at a window, just by hovering over its Taskbar Button. You can even Peek at minimized windows. This new function, plus all the other ones, can now also be used with your mouse.
Features List:
Feature = New (Windows 7 Aero) Taskbar Peek function.
Feature = Now you can Shake a window by clicking the MMB (Middle Mouse Button) on its Title Bar.
Feature = You can Peek by clicking the MMB at (the right of) the clock in the Taskbar.
Feature = You can Show Desktop by double clicking the MMB at (the right of) the clock in the Taskbar (hold Shift to Reset).
Feature = And you can use PeekTop by clicking the MMB on the X-Button in the Title Bar of a window.
Feature = When peeking through all windows, you can make a window reappear by clicking the MMB on its border, or on the ToolTip showing its Title.
Feature = Added HotKeys for Show, Shake, Reset, Peek and PeekTop.
Bug fix = Solved the problem that under rare circumstances an active "Normal" window would become "Always-On-Top" after having used Shake or Show Desktop.
Bug fix = Solved a visual glitch when switching between Peek and PeekTop with "Always-On-Top" windows present.
Improve = The Taskbar Peek function even shows SnapShots of programs that don’t follow the default Taskbar behavior (older versions of Adobe Reader).
This utility has been created by "Fred" and here is what the developer says about this program:
The Taskbar Peek function is similar to the true Windows 7 Aero Peek function, making it possible to Peek at a window, just by hovering over its Taskbar Button: when clicking the Middle Mouse Button on one of the program buttons, all other windows are Peeked, leaving only the desired one to look at. You can use this to quickly find a window in real size, making it easier to see the differences between two windows. Or maybe you just want to take a Peek at one without actually switching to it.You can download it using following link:
By hovering over a Grouped Taskbar Button, its menu automatically opens, so you can Peek at these windows too. Even minimized windows can be Peeked at!... As long as they’ve been open long enough for WinShake Control to take a SnapShot of them, that SnapShot is being shown in real size on the position where the window was when the picture was taken. And when you click on a SnapShot, the actual window is restored.
This Taskbar Peek function however is not completely free to use anymore... I hope you will find it worth a little bit!... :) But first you can try it of course, so...
Enjoy the program!
Download Link
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