aku juga baru dapat dari forum Hacker Cisadane.....
pilih start ==> run terus ketik
enter deh..Code:tsshutdn 3600
Itu artinya akan otomatis shutdown setelah 1 jam dari ente neken enter.
Satuan hitungnya adalah detik/second. 1 jam = 3600 detik. itung aja ndiri kalo ga percaya
Untuk lebih jelas masuk ke command prompt
start == > run terus ketik cmd
di cmd itu ketik,
hasilnya......Code:tsshutdn /?
Code:Z:\>tsshutdn /?
Shut down a server in a controlled manner.
TSSHUTDN [wait_time] [/SERVER:servername] [/REBOOT] [/POWERDOWN]
[/DELAY:logoffdelay] [/V]
wait_time Seconds to wait after user notification before
terminating all user sessions (default is 60).
/SERVER:servername The server to shut down (default is current).
/REBOOT Reboot the server after user sessions are terminated.
/POWERDOWN The server will prepare for powering off.
/DELAY:logoffdelay Seconds to wait after logging off all connected
sessions (default is 30).
/V Display information about actions being performed.
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